DSI produced Teddy Teddy Teddies in the early 2000s.
The Teddy Teddy Teddies don’t really have the bladders in their middles that most of the other animals in this line feature, but they are constructed in the same position, with the big head and floppy body. They have a sound maker in them and some device that rolls around in the head, adding to the sound effect. What does a bear sound like? Not at all like a Teddy Teddy Teddies plush. The Teddy Teddies sound a bit like they are… moaning? Moaning and squeaking at the same time? The sound is pretty special. To see other types of Kitty Kitty Kitten plush, click here.
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Example of Tush Tag:
Japanese Bear:
Teddy Bear:
Polar Bear:
Panda Bear:
They also made a Grizzly Bear and a Brown Bear: